- 8.25 km run at 35th floor with a view of Chrysler Building 🙂 Check it out! http://t.co/iVJrT9mE #RunKeeper #
- Internet freedom and copyright law: ACTA up | The Economist gets it http://t.co/Cma4Dv9y #actadk #
- "The Cosmic Clause" – the publishing contract provision trying to include of future uses in the licence #toccon #
- Very interesting and insightful presentation on "Youth" by @fwiedemann at #toccon #
- Marked as to-read: How To Be Black by Baratunde R. Thurston http://t.co/FHVaR6ua #
- Fantastic morning music: Peace Piece by Bill Evans http://t.co/uWnDRrpP #
- “@klang67: Passwords are so dead. Everyone should use pass phrases. Aids memory and security” Yes, indeed #
- @jacob_wang Nej, men det kommer an på.. Hvor har du taget dit foto? Med et digitalt kamera? 🙂 in reply to jacob_wang #
- @4ND3RS @nickbruun @claus Var lige ved at købe Withing vægt med hjem fra NY. Fortryder nu, at jeg ikke gjorde det 🙂 in reply to 4ND3RS #
- I'm watching 'Carlos' â–¶ http://t.co/BNPXREgO #
- I'm watching '1984' â–¶ http://t.co/BjjfBs3Q #
- I'm watching 'Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait' â–¶ http://t.co/JiQs3IZC #
- Fascinating but not fantastic film: Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait â–¶ http://t.co/8qp23Wxc via @mubidotcom #
- Is deep packet inspection (DPI) not very close to violating the privacy of communication? http://t.co/CHzGeLmG #
- Good example of IMHO benevolent sousveillance http://t.co/X14AVW34 #
- For once we are not talking about SOPA, PIPA and ACTA here: An unprecedented age of censorship http://t.co/EuQ8Q4Ik #
- Dudamel's and Netrebko's problematic political support http://t.co/boaawaFG #
- Et klart problem for offentlige reformer: Cepos: Dem, der lever af skattekroner, sidder tungt pĂĄ magten – Politiken.dk http://t.co/XXIPBs0X #
- “Either ACTA is useless, or it is a threat” http://t.co/y2HshMWf #actadk #
- Relevant i den overordnede #actadk debat: Hvem ejer retten til Danmarkshistorien? http://t.co/JiN28iFF #
- An inconvenient truth: You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You – Forbes http://t.co/mX1zpqmL #
- Publishing 2.0: The digital copy is abudant, the analog book is scarce http://t.co/6seNktzm #
- Superflex are supercool (though the "Foreigner…" poster IMHO is ridiculous and SO conformist) http://t.co/Nl5zXKfF #
- Art gallery snobbery – it goes with the territory, I guess http://t.co/cNhDDv2p #
- Open APIs are the new open source http://t.co/tSrhODS7 #
- Everything is a Remix #actadk http://t.co/ziPMvCvr #
- Tankevækkende: Mon flere unge i USA er aktive hos Ron Paul end i Occupy Wall Street? http://t.co/LtQNICNN #
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