Twitter Weekly Updates von Haller Ventures

  • Softwarelicensgribbene kredser… #
  • My avg. daily fitbit #fitstats for last week: 11,286 steps and 8.4 km traveled. #
  • Sean Connery responds to Jobs request to be in Apple commercial #fun amp;sharp And doesn't he appear in Vuitton ads today #
  • Looking forward to a Prezi based presentation on open source in public sector contracts by Kristian Foss #itechlaw_conf #
  • High quality of Kristian Foss' presentation shows how mature open souce has become as the default choice for public sector IT #itechlaw_conf #
  • Usual slightly silly jokes about the open source community are still voiced by old school lawyers 🙂 #itechlaw_conf #
  • StÃ¥le Hagen: Agile development contracts should prioritise succesful execution process and shared benefits of success #itechlaw_conf #
  • Microsoft video on likely future of IT, but how big role is Microsoft code going to play in this scenario? #itechlaw_conf #
  • ITECHLAW should enforce prohibition on presentations based on slides with each more than 3-5 lines of text and 20-30 words! #itechlaw_conf #
  • Could solution to EU cookie directive dilemma be users giving mandate to trusted 3rd parties to give prior consent? #itechlaw_conf #
  • PET konference om cybertrusler og cybersikkerhed #
  • Great "brazilian style" presentation by @OpiceBlum at #itechlaw_conf #
  • New release by my favorite young Bach pianist: Martin Stadtfeld – Bach: Piano Concertos Vol. 2 #
  • @ursushi User mandates eg. Consumer Council to update a whitelist with accepted cookies. Cookies not on that list is accepted in browser in reply to ursushi #
  • Just bought the CD: Brad Mehldau, Kevin Hays, Patrick Zimmerli – Modern Music #

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