- @4ND3RS Enig! in reply to 4ND3RS #
- First try to tweet from my Kindle http://amzn.com/k/257LJMBMYS8R6 #Kindle #
- My avg. daily fitbit #fitstats for last week: 12,049 steps and 9 km traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/222JNX #
- Cool 1760 German description of the role of the artist in society, equally applicable today http://amzn.com/k/2UW3JAO8DPKQG #Kindle #
- Intet nyt: Direkte vej fra Jagtvej 69 til reklame og kommunikationsbranchen med (formodningsvis) hus nord for København http://j.mp/nZaEpv #
- Must read: Transparent Society | David Brin | World Cyberwar | Features & Columns http://j.mp/pTfABv #
- If you can quantify the self, can you also program it? http://j.mp/qt6Gqb #
- BBC News – Austrian driver's religious headgear strains credulity http://j.mp/oTM3a4 #
- QR Code on Tombstone Creates Dynamic Memorial http://j.mp/nBhCTm #
- @4ND3RS Jeg satser på enten DirectLife (http://bit.ly/2tOg1z) eller Basis (http://mybasis.com/) til at erstatte/supplere FitBit in reply to 4ND3RS #
- @chulu @kristianselch Jeg stiller gerne op, hvis arrangementet ikke er for langt væk fra Kbh. K. 🙂 in reply to chulu #
- Visualization of the Week: An approval matrix for hacking http://j.mp/n1WSF9 #
- Funny how Germans back then looked to Greeks for ideals, not really the case today 🙂 http://amzn.com/k/2MTNKL6SFJZGF #Kindle #
- Bach is the greatest composer, ever! http://amzn.com/k/1SY677PDTW3L #Kindle #
- Gauss and Weber, the German grandfathers of e-business and Internet http://amzn.com/k/3CZPBZC026BO4 #Kindle #
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