Ny CEO for PolarRose


Nikolaj Nyholm oplyser på PolarRoses blog (A new face at Polar Rose to lead mobile growth), at han træder tilbage som CEO for PolarRose og overlader posten til Carl Silbersky. Den nye CEO skal fokusere på, at PolarRose vokser indenfor det mobile segmet. Nikolaj fortsætter som medlem af selskabets bestyrelse.

ArcticStartups blog spekulerer man

So what’s happening here? It’s likely that original venture investors Nordic Venture Partners want to divest, but can’t get a buyer without a strong mobile component to their service offering. Silbersky’s experience with mobile services and deal making seems to make him the guy that can take them there, but losing Nyholm altogether would be too large of an impairment.

Rygterne har det, at Nikolaj Nyholm i næste uge annoncerer sit nyeste projekt.

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