Interview on privacy in Denmark's Radio


I was interviewed tonight on Denmark’s Radio by Henrik Føhns (left) together with Rikke Frank Jørgensen from Digital Rights. The topic was privacy.

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  1. Per Palmkvist Knudsen avatar
    Per Palmkvist Knudsen

    Finally got around to listening to the podcast – during my weekly trip to Ã…rhus. I liked the debate. However, you and Rikke seemed to be very much in agreement. Hence, there was too litle genuine debate on this important subject. Still, your ideas regarding discussing these items in a new context (ie: This is not (only) a question on govermental institutions possibly violating our civil rights. It is – more impotantly – a question on what we as persons accepts and do not accept) deserves some continuation. Any comments on how to restart the debate?


  2. mhg avatar

    Hi Per, why don’t we continue the debate when we meet for lunch soon. The maybe we can start something in continuance hereof on the net.

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