Summer vacation until August 1, 2006

This summer we are spending at Langeland, Bornholm and the south of Sweden.

So far, the weather has been exceptional. I cannot remember when I last such a warm and beautiful summer in Denmark. All sunshine, temperatures constantly between 25 and 30 C, long mild evenings.

When the summer is like this, I cannot think of a better place to be than in Scandinavia. But it is a gamble. This year I feel sorry for those of our friends who have booked vacations in the south of Europe in order to secure nice weather. They are sweating their pants of. However, next summer it might be the exact opposite.

An observation from the Danish summer resorts like Langeland and Bornholm. It is so homogeneous in the sense that everybody here are native Scandinavian which means Danish, Swedish, Norwegian or Germans from the north. All the kids are fair skinned, blonde and blue eyed. Of course, not all. But you don’t see any of the big city immigrants here. No girls here with head scarf. This is, how it must have been to live in Denmark 20-30 years ago, or maybe today in the Danish country side outside the larger cities.

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