Wonderful day in Sidney

The second and last day of my short two days stopover in Sidney has been fantastic. After a good night sleep I woke at about 10 am and stumbled down for some nice breakfast on the hotel’s outdoor terrace that overlooks the pacific. Remember it is summer here in Sydney as opposed to back in Copenhagen where spring is still struggling to take command from the grey, wet and chilly Scandinavian winter.

Then I had a good workout at the hotel’s gym and finished with a swim in the refreshing Pacific ocean.

Finally, I took a cab to the Sydney harbor to sight-see for a few hours. I ended up at the Sydney Opera house to admire an hour or so at this magnificent piece of architecture. Then back to the hotel again for an afternoon nap. And here I am, relaxed and rejuvenated and ready to board a plane tomorrow bound for San Francisco.

Oh, and I had my BMI number measured at the fitness center. It was 23,2 with a fat mass percentage of 16,9, which for a male of my age is supposed to be in the upper region of between 14-24 %. So that is not bad at all:-)

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