My new Powerbook G4

I finally decided to change from a Windows PC til Apple. Here is my first try at the Apple family: The Powerbook G4 with a 12,1 inch screen. Well, actually it is my second Powerbook because the present is a replacement of my first Powerbook that I had to return to Apple because of a hardware defect related to the screen. Now I am crossing my fingers that this new baby of mine does not suffer from the same childhood disease.

The transition fra PC to Mac has been very smooth so far. It seems that all the things that I could do on my Dell laptop I can do on my Powerbook. My home banking solution now comes with a Mac option. And the ASP solution that we use at the von Haller law firm based on Citrix and VPN in fact works better on my Powerbook!

  1. Kim Gammelgård avatar

    If you don’t know it already, check out this site:
    Not just for attorneys, by the way 🙂

    Congrats from here too!

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