A new life!

Three weeks ago I had a frightening experience: I suffered a coronary thrombosis and was admitted to the Danish National Hospital where I had one of the coronary arteries re-opened through an emergency dilatation (enlarging) of the occluded coronary artery using a balloon, a procedure known as coronary angioplasty.

While at the hospital, I was furthermore diagnosed with what seems to be type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes).

Fortunately, all subsequent test have shown that my heart has not been damaged because of the heart attack. The thrombosis was treated so quickly after it occurred (within just 2-3 hours) that none of the affected areas of the heart had been damaged.

While of course I would rather have been without this experience, I have decided to adopt a positive and optimistic attitude. In order to prevent future heart attacks and to live safely with my diabetes, I will have to change my lifestyle. From now on, I will only eat lowfat food with very little sugar added, I will have to exercise on a regular basis and I will have to organize my working hours in a way that gives less stress and more time with the family.

You see what I mean? This is going to be a great life!

  1. Alexander Kjerulf avatar

    I admire your courage in facing this situation and the way you’re reframing it positively. And I truly admire your choice to share your situation here. This kind of openness is great, and often in quite short supply.

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