
I have launched one of the first Mblogs here in Denmark. As always, however, Thomas Madsen-Mygdal was the first with the newest.

Here is how it is done: I take a picture with my SonyEricsson P800. From the P800 the picture is sent as an e-mail to an address at a server maintained by Guan Yang. The server processes the picture to a size and format that suits my weblog. The formatted picture together with the text that I have included in the e-mail is automatically forwarded to my weblog at my own server and automatically posted on Openlife.

Check the mblog postings at Openlife at http://suse.groenbaek.net/openlife/archives/cat_mblog.html.

Thanks a lot to Guan for helping me set-up this ultimate instant self-publishing tool!

  1. Hartvig avatar

    Congratulations! However all the posts are posted by Guan – I guess that’s a minor bug/feature 🙂

  2. Martin von Haller Groenbaek avatar

    That’s been taken care. The reason for no postings thru the weekend is, however, that I can’t find the power plug for the P800 🙂

  3. Per Haugaard avatar

    Kære Martin,
    Rigtig gode billeder – og en smadder smart idé. Det viser at begrebet “interoperability” er vigtigt og noget som EU kan konkretisere ved hjælp af at promovere Ã¥bne og interoperable standarder i samarbejde med industrien.

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