Enterprise System Copenhagen. Call

Enterprise System Copenhagen. Call me mr. Exit! First, Araneum was sold to TietoEnator as of 1 September 2002. See press release here. I cofounded Araneum in 1996. Now, as of 1 October 2002, TietoEnator has also acquired Enterprise Systems Copenhagen A/S. See press release here. I was also one of the cofounders of Enterprise Systems back in 1998. I own shares in both acquired companies.

So, within two months I have exited my two most important IT-investments. Pretty impressive in such a depressed market for IT-companies! The sales, however, do not make me filthy rich. Indeed, the marketprice for IT-companies reflects today’s economic situation. Nevertheless, I am proud to have been part of both companies and that TietoEnator has chosen these companies and its employees and paid real money for them in a market where everybody are selling themnselves for next to nothing.

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