Rebooting Reboot! I spent 3-4

Rebooting Reboot! I spent 3-4 hours this afternoon in a session with Thomas Mygdal-Madsen and some twenty-five people that Thomas had summoned to discuss what should be Reboot 5.0. Reboot is (to quote the Reboot web-site) the annual rendezvous and fixed point of the Danish Internet industry. The Reboot experience consists of an equal amount of lots of supply of knowledge, inspiration and networking.This afternoon session was conducted (conducted is probably the wrong word when we are talking open space meetings) as an open space technology experiment. This type of meeting was in itself an interesting experience to part of. However, I left the meeting somewhat confused and unconvinced about both the merits of open space technology and the future (and justification) of Reboot. It seems that some people wants to focus on Reboot as a great party with lots of people and lots of booze. Others on Reboot as a conference where webworkers can share professional knowledge. Still others wants to use Reboot to transform society and make the world better. All these views are honorable, but I find it hard to see all these opinions having their way at the same time at the same event. Companies are not likely to pay to send their employees to an event about big fluffy ideas on soft values and with no rock-solid professional output. And so on. Maybe it will work, though. And there is probably no better here in little Denmark to handle such an ambitious project of convergence than Thomas. Good luck, Thomas. I’ll be there 31. May this year!

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