Yippee! I will be

Yippee! I will be attending this year’s PC Forum. PC (Platforms for Communication) Forum is IMHO the best conference on technology to be found. Every year (I have previously participated in PC Forum 2000) Esther Dyson assembles a slate of unique speakers and attendees at the pretty luxurious Fairmont Princess in Scottsdale, Arizona. This year (the 25 anniversary of PC Forum) is no exception. Check out the speaker roster at the web-site. The conference themes are very clever and topical. I am in particular looking forward to hear about open spectrum and wireless broadband. This session will certainly be hosted by Kevin Werbach who is Esther’s editor of Release 1.0 and co-organizes PC Forum. Kevin has written very thoughtfully on open spectrum. Joining me from Denmark at PC Forum 2002 will be Gert Birnbacher, chairman of the Danish eBusiness Association, and Nikolaj Nyholm, founder and Chief Technical Officer of Ascio Technologies, Inc.

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