I just came home

I just came home after a nice evening at Kai Café og Spisested together with organizers and jury members from Big Brother Awards 2001 . I am sorry to say that I was very little active meber of the jury due to heavy workload from trying to finish my contribution the second edition the textbook Internetjura (Internet law) that I’m co-authoring (more about this later). Nevertheless, the award was a success especially considering that all involved are people with an otherwise busy schedule. Tonight, all agreed on continuing the work and to repeat the event next year. I participate in this event because protecting privacy is a worthy cause and should concern us all. Also, my fellow jury members are interesting people to learn from. Present tonight were Per Helge Sørensen, author and co-founder of Digital Rights; Anders Kjærulff Christensen, journalist at Danish Broadcast Corporation; Peter Christensen, Privatliv.net og CNDo.dk; Stephan Engberg, founder of Open Business Innovation ; Jesper Svarre, Privatliv.net og Prosa and Birgitte Kofod Olsen, the Danish Centre for Human Rights.

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