From the EFF on Cyberlaw and cyberlawgs:
Eric Menhart may call himself a cyberlawyer, but we think he has a lot of learn about cyberlaw — and common sense. Menhart is the author of a blog about cyberlaw issues called, logically if not innovatively, “Cyberlawg.” (As he says in the top right corner, “Cyberlawg = Cyberlaw + blog.”) And he is “principal attorney” in a firm called “CyberLaw P.C.” OK, OK, we get it, he practices technology law. Based on this, he’s applied for a trademark on the use of the term “cyberlaw” in connection with the practice of, um, cyberlaw. That’s like a soda company claiming a trademark in the use of the word soda in connection with the sale of soda. Or an apple farmer claiming a trademark in the use of the term apple in connection with the sale of apples. Or … well, you get the picture.
Maybe, I should try to trademark here in Denmark “Internetadvokaten” or “IT-advokaten” 🙂
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cyberlawg, ericmenhart